A Customized Approach

This type of complexity, precision, and mastery of the human form are key qualities that distinguish a transgender surgeon’s ability in performing feminizing or masculinizing procedures. What’s more, there is no “correct” way to look either feminine or masculine; rather, these choices are decided according to a patient’s individual wishes and sensibilities. What one person finds attractive, another may not. At Silicon Valley Institute for Aesthetics, our integrity demands that we never pressure or try to upsell a patient. If we don't believe that a certain procedure is in the patient's best interest either medically or cosmetically we will offer a viable alternative and explain his reasoning in depth.

Communication is key

Impeccable credentials, approachability, discretion, kindness, and artistry are qualities that transgender patients value highly in a physician. Our talented plastic surgeons can humbly lay claim to these traits and many more.

Most patients find it easy to be themselves around our physicians, and this is immensely helpful in achieving excellent results. If you can’t communicate your needs and expectations to your San Francisco transgender surgeon, your surgical outcomes will reflect this disconnect.

World-Class Facilities

If you're seeking an excellent transgender surgeon in the San Mateo and San Francisco areas, look no further. You will find the peaceful atmosphere at SVIA conducive to healing from the very moment you enter our premises.

You will be greeted warmly by one of our friendly, down-to-earth staff members. We have assembled an incredible team of qualified, board-certified nurses, anesthesiologists, technicians, and medical assistants all of whom will be attentive to your needs, both during your stay and beyond.

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We are aware of the urgency many transgender patients face once they have decided to move forward with plastic surgery. We also know that it can often be challenging to find the financial resources to pay for surgery that feels indispensable — especially in cases where insurance companies refuse to authorize treatment.

However, we have a number of options in place to help you get your surgery and make your vision a reality. Don’t let financial matters stand in the way of materializing your authentic self. To learn more, please call our office so that we can help you get the necessary paperwork started. 

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