There may be other feminization surgery procedures you should consider as well, and our board-certified plastic surgeons make sure you are informed of all of your options, and can show you a prediction of your result using computer imaging.

MTF Tummy Tuck Candidates

Patients seeking a tummy tuck may do so for some of the following reasons:

  • After significant weight loss, sagging abdominal skin is left behind.
  • A genetic predisposition results in an excess of loose abdominal skin.
  • The aging process has naturally caused abdominal skin to lose tone and become saggy.

Some MTF patients seek abdominoplasty to remove the sagging skin, and also to repair stretched and separated abdominal muscles. A MTF tummy tuck may not be right for you if you have a significant overhang of skin around your abdomen and hips. Such sagging is common after bariatric surgery, and it may require a body lift. On the other end of the spectrum, if you have only small fatty deposits in certain areas that do not respond to diet and exercise, then you may benefit from MTF liposuction feminization instead of, or in addition to abdominoplasty.

Is Our Team Qualified To Perform MTF Abdominoplasty?

Our team is one of the Bay Area’s finest body contouring specialists, frequently sought out by transgender clients for their superior surgical skill, extensive training in reconstructive, craniofacial and plastic surgery techniques, and transparent, approachable demeanor.

We are passionate about educating our clients, arming them with the knowledge they need to make the best decisions, both medically and cosmetically. This philosophy demands that our team will never advise a patient to undergo procedures that are not in their best interest. We will, however, create viable alternatives when necessary to achieve your most cherished aesthetic goals and desires.

The MTF Tummy Tuck Procedure

Abdominoplasty is performed at the San Mateo Surgery Center, an accredited outpatient facility offering clients state-of-the-art medical care in a peaceful, private setting. A board certified anesthesiologist is on hand to administer general anesthesia. On average, the tummy tuck procedure will take between 1 and 5 hours, depending on the extent of changes required.

Full Abdominoplasty

This procedure is best suited for those clients with significant abdominal protrusion both above and below the navel. During a tummy tuck procedure, a long incision is made stretching from one hip to the other. Our team makes every effort to minimize this scar, and place it where it can be concealed by a bikini. Through this incision, excess fat may be reshaped or removed. Your surgeon will tighten the abdominal six-pack muscles, suturing them in place. Then, excess skin and other tissue is essentially pulled downward across your abdomen and the excess is removed. Then, the skin is sutured to create a tighter abdominal area.


This technique, effective for reducing lower torso trouble zones such as love handles and spare tires, can be used either in place of a surgical tummy tuck, or in tandem with abdominoplasty. Fat eradication is accomplished by suctioning out fat cells through a slender tube (cannula). In addition to its uses in the stomach region, liposuction is also effective in producing more attractive contours in the arms, buttocks, back, thighs and calves. Like a reverse tummy tuck however, it does not treat abdominal muscle weakness or separation.


This procedure targets unwanted fat and skin above the navel. However, it cannot address muscle laxity as the full abdominoplasty does. If you are planning to have MTF breast augmentation surgery, the doctor may be able to use those same incisions to perform a reverse tummy tuck. This can be discussed further during your private consultation with our team.


If you are a client who manifests their belly bulging predominantly below the navel, a mini tummy tuck may be ideal for your situation. This surgery is less invasive than a standard tummy tuck, with a shorter downtime and less post-op discomfort.

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Like any feminization procedure, a tummy tuck has certain risks and benefits associated with it. Bruising, swelling, tenderness and discomfort are standard reactions to surgery, but can be easily managed with pain pills prescribed by our team as part of an in-depth aftercare plan tailored to your needs. Stiches will usually come out within one week post-op.

There will be a recovery period, in which you will have to take downtime from exercise, physical activities, and anything that could cause too much strain. However, light walking is encouraged, as this can stimulate the circulatory system and reduce the risk of clotting. Most tummy tuck clients can expect to resume work and normal routines within 14-21 days. Any scarring will eventually fade, usually within about six months. Remember that maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regimen can help preserve your gorgeous abdominoplasty results long-term.


Our team understands the challenges of paying for your feminization surgery and will be happy to assist you in all ways possible with financing. While most insurance carriers consider tummy tuck surgery a non-medically necessary cosmetic treatment, it’s always worth investigating to see if there are exceptions. We have several resource pages including Insurance and Financing where you can learn more about your options, or you can contact our patient coordinator directly.

Schedule A Consultation

Our experienced team will answer any tummy tuck questions you have and make sure you have all the information you need to decide if abdominoplasty is right for you. If you live in San Jose, San Mateo, San Francisco or the surrounding areas and want to learn more about a MTF feminizing tummy tuck procedure, please contact Bay Area Feminization Surgery to schedule a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeons in San Francisco.

To learn more about Bay Area Feminization Surgery, please call us at 650-249-3169.

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