However, CoolSculpting in San Francisco allows you to remove targeted pockets of fat tissues from your body without surgeries, incisions, or anesthesia. Bay Area Aesthetic Surgery has board-certified plastic surgeons specializing in the most effective CoolSculpting techniques for fat reduction and body sculpting.

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What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a non-surgical and non-invasive fat reduction technique that avoids needles, incisions, and anesthesia. The procedure involves using advanced cooling systems to freeze and subsequently eliminate the stubborn subcutaneous fat tissues just under the skin’s surface.

The unwanted fat pockets are removed through your body’s natural elimination systems, giving you a more contoured appearance. CoolSculpting concludes within an hour with no downtime, allowing you to resume your daily activities immediately.

How does CoolSculpting work?

CoolSculpting is based on the science of cryolipolysis, i.e., the unwanted subcutaneous fat tissues are broken down through exposure to extremely cold temperatures. Fat cells are incapable of surviving extremely cold temperatures. The CoolSculpting procedure uses non-invasive vacuum applicators to draw in tissue and cool the unwanted fat until they die and get absorbed by the body. The digested fat cells are directed into the lymphatic system and subsequently expelled as waste. Consequently, the targeted areas look contoured and sculpted.

San Francisco Cost

The cost of CoolSculpting varies from patient to patient, as each patient’s goals vary. Your CoolSculpting cost depends on the number of areas treated and how many sessions are needed. After your consultation, we will recommend the number of treatments needed to achieve your aesthetic goals in the areas you would like to treat. We will create an individual treatment plan for you which will include the exact price. 

CoolSculpting Treatment Areas

  • Chin and neck
  • Bra and back fat
  • Upper arms
  • Flanks or love handles
  • Upper and lower abdomen
  • Banana rolls under the buttocks
  • Outer and inner thigh

The Benefits of CoolSculpting

  • It’s a non-surgical and non-invasive procedure
  • Typically causes no pain or discomfort
  • Performed without incisions or anesthesia
  • Minimal and temporary side effects
  • Negligible risk of complications
  • Approved by the FDA
  • Ideal for targeted fat removal
  • The procedure concludes within an hour
  • No downtime after the procedure

Am I A Candidate for CoolSculpting?

You’re the right candidate for CoolSculpting in San Francisco if you have unwanted pockets of fat in your abdomen, arms, chin, thighs, flanks, back, or other regions. CoolSculpting can only remove small amounts of subcutaneous fat cells just underneath the skin’s surface. It’s not a weight-loss procedure and does not replace surgical methods,, such as liposuction. As such, CoolSculpting is only meant for patients close to their ideal body weight. Furthermore, you might not be right for CoolSculpting if you have a history of Raynaud’s disease, i.e., extreme sensitivity to cold temperatures or blood disorders such as cryoglobulinemia, cold agglutinin disease, or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria.

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What Can I Expect During CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is an in-office procedure that concludes within an hour or two, depending on the treatment areas. The doctor applies a gel pad and applicator to the strategically chosen treatment areas. The applicator, when activated, cools the subcutaneous fat tissues while generating a suction force. You might feel pulling and pinching sensations as the applicator moves around the targeted areas, but there’s no pain. Once all the targeted areas are addressed, the provider massages the regions to break the frozen fat cells. Over time, the fat cells will get absorbed by the body.

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Recovery After CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is a safe procedure with a negligible risk of complications and minimal side effects. Most patients can resume their daily activities immediately without downtime. You might experience mild redness, soreness, and sensation differences, but the side effects dissipate in a few weeks.

CoolSculpting Results

Most patients start seeing the results after three weeks, with continued improvements over the next couple of months. It might take up to six months for all the unwanted fat cells to be flushed out of your system. Some of the treatment areas may necessitate multiple sessions for optimal results. Your cosmetic provider will recommend the ideal treatment frequency and follow-up sessions, if necessary.

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How long is the treatment?

Can it treat double chin?

Are the results permanent?

Is it safe?

Are there any side effects?

What happens if I gain weight after CoolSculpting?

How long is the treatment?

CoolSculpting takes about 35 minutes to one hour per treatment area. If multiple areas are being treated at once, the treatment time will be longer.

Can it treat double chin?

CoolSculpting is an effective treatment for a double chin and can significantly reduce or eliminate the stubborn fat pockets that can gather under the chin and jawline.

Are the results permanent?

CoolSculpting results are very long-lasting. The fat cells that are destroyed are gone permanently. The body will not create more fat cells to replace those eliminated. However, any remaining fat cells in the area can still expand if you gain significant weight.

Is it safe?

CoolSculpting is certified by the FDA as a safe treatment. CoolSculpting is completely non-invasive, requires no medication, causes no pain, and requires no downtime.

Are there any side effects?

Many patients don’t experience side effects at all. However, side effects may occur. These effects may include the following:

  • Aches and bruising
  • Cramping
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Firmness
  • Itchiness
  • Muscle spasms

What happens if I gain weight after CoolSculpting?

If you gain weight after CoolSculpting, the fat cells removed will not be replaced in the original treatment area and so the area is not likely to get larger. However, if you gain an extreme amount of weight, remaining fat cells will grow and can expand into the CoolSculpting treatment area.

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Why Choose Bay Area Aesthetic Surgery for CoolSculpting?

Bay Area Aesthetic Surgery is a state-of-the-art and AAAASF-accredited surgical center led by an incredibly talented team of board-certified plastic surgeons. We carefully examine the treatment areas and curate treatment plans that address your specific goals and concerns, ensuring optimal and naturalized results without downtime. Please schedule a consultation online or call us at 650-249-3169 to discuss your CoolSculpting in San Francisco.

How Do I Move Forward With CoolSculpting?

If you want to proceed with CoolSculpting, you can schedule a consultation with the board-certified experts at Bay Area Aesthetic Surgery. Our cosmetic providers will examine your treatment areas, discuss your goals, review your medical history, and curate the ideal CoolSculpting treatment plan based on your specific needs and goals. The procedure is eventually performed at our office in Los Gatos or San Mateo.

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