May 5th – I was invited for the third year in a row to give an instructional course on Abdominoplasty at the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons meeting. This interest was sparked by the paper Dr. Brink and I published in one of the most credible Plastic Surgery Journals back in May of 2009 in the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal. This year the meeting was held in the beautiful city of Vancouver, British Columbia!! Well over 2000 plastic surgeons attended this year’s event. The surgeons who attended were from all over the world and it’s a peer-reviewed meeting. The instructional Course was titled “Abdominoplasty with Direct Deep Fat Resection.” The key points to this tummy tuck presentation were as follows:
- Use of liposuction at the time of abdominoplasty to the tummy tuck flap can be counter-productive.
- Use of liposuction to the tummy tuck flap prevents mobilization of the flap due to the inexactness of liposuction to stay within the deep fat.
- Less mobilization of the tummy tuck flap provides for a less than adequate result and correction of the contour of the abdomen especially above the belly button.
- Use of liposuction may present the patient with unevenness to the resulting tummy tuck.
- Therefore, why ever use liposuction at the time of Abdominoplasty?
- Rather, wide undermining of the flap with direct deep fat resection provides the best correction and enhances the end result, thus contour to the patient.
- This provides a smoother abdomen, tighter abdomen, and overall better patient satisfaction!!
This technique described in the published paper has been incorporated into every single one of our abdominoplasties for the last 10+ years. Our patient satisfaction has been excellent. Our corresponding OB/GYN’s of the patient’s we performed this procedure on have as well been very impressed. These physicians have witnessed the long term benefits of our technique and have even begun to refer new patients to our practice.
For more information, please contact our office at 650-570-6066 and we will be more than happy to assist you.